What are your shipping rates for international shipping? Shipping rates for outside the US are calculated at checkout before the order is submitted.

You will receive a shipping notification email that will notify you of the carrier and tracking options.

How long will shipping take within the U.S.? Standard shipping is via UPS and will be received within 3-7 business days but please note there may be delays currently due to COVID-19. What are your shipping rates for shipping within the U.S.? We offers free shipping on any order within the US. You’ll receive a shipment notification with a tracking number as soon as your package ships. Please allow 1-3 business days for your order to be processed but please note this may be impacted by COVID-19 delays. When will my order ship? Due to the impact of COVID-19, shipping and processing times have been delayed. We are working diligently to get all orders processed and shipped as quickly as possible. We’re monitoring the situation very closely and working with our fulfillment partners to ensure they’re taking all necessary safety precautions. The safety of our team and customers is our top priority. Shipping policy Shipping Rates & Delivery Please note updated processing and shipping times below due to the impact of COVID-19.